Merry Christmas!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Bless you, my darling, and remember you are always in the heart - oh tucked so close there is no chance of escape - of your sister. ~Katherine Mansfield

Just thought I would share a picture of my two beautiful little sisters. Cassi, 16, is on the left and Sarah, 21, is on the right.
(I have two more sisters, but they were unavailable. lol)
I haven't seen them in forever!
I really wish I could enjoy the company of my sisters.

Sister to sister we will always be,
A couple of nuts off the family tree.

~Author Unknown

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Must Have for Camping

My mother-in-law gave me the best idea for hand washing while camping.
When you have used all your liquid laundry soap, DO NOT throw away (or even recycle) the container!
Fill with water (I would use HOT since it will cool down by the time you get there.) and take on your camping trip to use to wash your hands and or dishes. The container has a "handy" dispenser and already has soap (detergent) in it. Genius!

Thanks, Mom! It works [for her]!works for me wednesday at we are that family

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Laundry Help

Sometimes my laundry gets piled up. Well, I DO have four kids! When this happens, I sort my laundry a little differently.

I always have whites, jeans, towels, sheets, and delicates. Then I usually have Rachel's, Emily's, Hayley's, Riley's, Tom's, and mine. Phew! Yes, that is 11 loads. In winter I have 1-2 more with blankets. If I keep up, I can do the girls' together and mine & Tom's together.

But, when I am behind or need to be busy with other chores, I sort the clothes like this: pjs, socks, panties, & shorts (things that don't need to be checked for stains *Spray'N'Wash*) and then clothes- darks/lights whatever. The reason I do this is so that I can quickly throw in the load without having to take time to check for stains. I can start one load and then have the pjs, socks, panties, & shorts load to throw in. I do loads of towels & sheets, while I'm busy doing other things for the same reason. Then, when I can focus on the laundry, I will check all the loads for stains and apply Spray'N'Wash as needed. It works for me!

I am linking to WFMW over at We Are That Family - even though it is almost Thursday! LOL
works for me wednesday at we are that family