I am contemplating homeschooling my girls. I keep thinking about the influences they are exposed to for 7 hours everyday. I have always thought that I am not educated enough to be their teacher. However, I keep being reminded that their souls are more important.
My daughter was the was the "perfect" baby/toddler. She was so compliant as a preschooler. But when she started school, she became someone I didn't recognize. I don't like the attitude she has. I am not blaming it on "school" or "other kids", I just realize that she is away from home longer and exposed to the world more than she is at home. I think it is time to do something before it is too late. Preventitive measures. I want to keep my children. I love them more than anything.
With the right attitude, planning and God's help, I CAN do this! I know there are a lot of resources and support available. Now I just have to do some "homework".